Brannon, 45, ist seit Dezember 2001 Executive Producer der
Nachrichtenabteilung bei Vor ihrer Zeit bei
arbeitete sie bei, ebenfalls als
Executive Producer.Brannon war außerdem Reporterin, Kolumnistin und Redakteurin der
Seattle Times und der Tacoma News Tribune. Sie ist Mitglied der Online News
Association und Professorin des „American University’s Master’s Program" in
Interactive Journalism.Ihren Doktortitel erhielt sie in „Mass Communications“ von der
Universität Maryland. Zusätzlich hat sie einen Master in „Public Affairs
Journalism“ der American University und einen BA in Journalismus der
Universität Seattle. In ihrer Dissertation im Jahr 1999 setzte sie sich mit
dem Thema „Maximierung von Inhalten und Mitarbeiterleistung bei Online News
Seiten“ auseinander. Dabei verglich Brannon die Webauftritte führender
nationaler Zeitungen, Radiostationen und Fernsehsender.
Which book has changed your life? The
Saturated Self by Kenneth Gergen: Though it’s aging now, I read it during my
doctoral studies. It provided my research some context about our reliance on
technology and how it impedes our relationships.On a
personal level, the book that I recall having the biggest influence on me as
a youth was W. Somerset Maugham’s “Of Human Bounty.” I really connected with
the story of an adolescent overcoming many obstacles to make himself a
success – I always liked those overcoming adversity tales and am surprised
this comes to mind first, as most of the adventure stories I remember
reading as a kid had to do with the settling of the West and and that spirit
of becoming a self-made person.
person would you like to be for just one day? The
motto? Change
ist good.
Your biggest mistake? Not
having the courage to leave my hometown until I was 35.
can’t imagine anything less worthy to read, but sure. (Quelle)
Your next goal? To
be the lead editor of a
reminds me of the hyperness that is blogs – where it is bigrun-on-sentence-of-ideas-and-perspectives, and often the message is delivered
journalistically, as an essay and as non-fiction, etc. (Quelle)
An important
organization that needs to better blend perspectives from non-newspaper
leaders and from media outlets that are not so mainstream, while working to
infuse its leadership with more people of color and women. (Quelle)
gets around, doesn’the? In the course of his career, he has achieved much
as a respected newsman. Too bad in the sunset of his career it has been
tarnished by this episode and photos taken out of context like this one. I
say this and I’m not a particular fan of his – I’ve always thought he took
himself a bit too seriously. (Quelle)
news site staffed by dedicated
professionals who through the Web can give people around the world
perspectives on the inside-the-Beltway perspective. But it’s also a site
that is burdened by its responsibility to replicate the work of the main
news organization. On the .com in its name rests the future of The
Washington Post Co. journalism. (Quelle)